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Why is Slimca HERE more expensive than Airtag?Slimca HERE is rechargeable and uses a specially designed ultra-thin battery and charging protection system. The card is made of mirror-plated stainless steel and has an 8-step processing cost, so the material cost is relatively high. Its thickness is 1/8 of that of Airtag, so it can be easily stored in a wallet without taking up space.
Slimca HERE可以與Android系統手機配對嗎?不行,目前Slimca HERE僅支援蘋果設備,此次活動中的目前版本僅支援iPhone/iPad/MAC,若您對我們的產品有興趣。一但Google Find My Device API釋出,我們便能開始研發支援Android系統,想要在我們推出Android系統版本時得到優惠通知,請在這裡留資料:。
Will having a metal credit card in my wallet affect the signal strength?Yes, please keep it away from any metal objects to avoid signal blocking.
Slimca HERE電池可以使用多長時間?可以充電幾次?Slimca HERE充分充電後可使用5個月,充電時間僅需3小時。可重覆充電100次以上,而且有過充保護設計,電池穩定度佳。
Slimca HERE電池電量低時會有通知嗎?會的,iPhone上會彈出訊息通知提醒您。
Slimca HERE可以使用其他USB Type C充電器嗎?可以,Slimca HERE兼容所有標準的USB-C充電器。
Slimca HERE的連線範圍有多遠?如何傳輸位置資訊給使用者?全球有iPhone的區域都是Slimca HERE可以連線的範圍,不用接近物品就可以在地圖上看到位置。Slimca HERE是透過Apple的尋找網路,和Airtag一樣,所有的Apple設備都有能力幫忙尋找Slimca HERE,所以也不需要使用Sim卡。
Slimca HERE能托運上飛機嗎?可以,Slimca HERE符合大部分機場托運標準,以日本成田機場的規定為例:160Wh以下的電子設備主體可以托運及登機,Slimca HERE的電池是0.4Wh,在標準160Wh以下可以托運上飛機。
Slimca HERE多張卡能夠同時使用嗎?可以分享位置給別人嗎?Slimca HERE可以多張卡登記在同一個帳號,同時使用,也可以為每一張卡標記特別的名字,分享位置給在iPhone通訊錄中的人。
Slimca HERE支援防水嗎?有的,支援IP64防潑水等級
淘寶有許多便宜的防丟器,為何我該選擇Slimca HERE?淘寶上便宜的防丟器,可能會發生下列常見問題: (1) 厚度太厚,容易造成錢包漲大 (2) 品質不一,容易買到雷 (3) 電池的電量不一定夠,使用便宜的晶片,不夠省電,所以商家只好贈送電池,讓你多多更換 (4) 訊號不穩定,時常會接收不到 (5) 保固不可靠 (6) 造型土拙,外出攜帶尷尬 (7) 沒有Apple認證 (8) 沒有全球定位
Slimca HERE容易損壞嗎?Slimca HERE的主要結構元件是不鏽鋼,不但堅固,還可撓15度彎曲。
Slimca HERE 如果與識別證等放在一起,會不會影響識別證晶片感應?會的,因為是不鏽鋼,不過只要在識別證和Slimca HERE中間加入一張RFID阻擋器,就可以單面正常使用。
如果使用RFID阻擋器,Slimca HERE追蹤功能會受到影響嗎?不會的,RFID阻擋器不會影響Slimca HERE的功能。
Slimca HERE支援像AirTag的精確尋找功能嗎?目前無支援。
What is the sound quality of the recorded audio files after saving?AI processing is primarily used to improve the quality of the recording and to eliminate as much friction and background noise as possible inside the bag, so that good recordings can be obtained even when it is stored. However, in order not to miss any audio, there will be some noise.
Will there be any noise?Slimca is designed to record sounds over 5m away while being able to fit in a wallet, so some noise is inevitable. It supports noise cancellation, but it's not as powerful as other products because you don't want to miss any audio.
Does it support noise cancellation?Slimca supports noise cancellation, but it's not as effective as other products because it has to make sure you don't miss any audio first.
Is it dual microphones?No. Slimca uses a special microphone with a uniquely designed dual-amplification circuit. This microphone records the most sound, but it also records noise.
Can I record 360 degrees?Yes. Please place the camera face up and in the center. Depending on the environment, it can record within a 5-meter radius.
Can I record without an Internet connection?Yes. However, you cannot use the app to upload files simultaneously. To upload audio files, you need to turn on WiFi+Bluetooth on the App. You can then use the App to upload recorded files simultaneously.
How to charge?It can be charged using the magnetic USB charging cable included with purchase.
Does it get hot when in use?The Slimca card does not generate heat when in use, but it does generate a little heat when charging and when transferring recordings from the recorder to the app.
What material is it made of? Is it easily damaged?Slimca's frame and upper and lower covers are made of 304 stainless steel, which is harder and stronger than plastic, but please use it with caution. The upper and lower covers have been spray-painted 12 times, with bright and saturated colors and luxurious texture.
Is after-sales service, repair or re-purchase convenient?Slimca is 100% MIT, including R&D, manufacturing, and maintenance are all in Taiwan. All purchases are covered by a one-year warranty.
What size Micro SD card can be supported?The maximum supported microSD card is 32GB. By the way, 1GB can record 168 minutes of audio files.
How to sync SLIMCA Recorder with its APP?You can follow the steps below to connect. ▶Make sure your Wi-Fi is 2.4GHz (G) ▶Prepare the correct Wi-Fi password ▶Turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone ▶Connect your smartphone to Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (G) ▶Slimca Launcher App ▶Turn on the power of Slimca, and the LED light will turn blue. ▶Click on the left side of the APP to connect your smartphone and Slimca audio recorder to the same Wi-Fi network. To transfer data, after the connection is completed, click Transfer to perform the data transfer.
What is the "Save files every 15 minutes" option on the App Settings page?You can set the number of minutes for a file. For example: If you set "Save a file every 15 minutes" and record for 45 minutes, three 15-minute files will be saved.
Can I use the app on Android?You can use the Slimca APP on Android, iPhone, and iPad running iOS 14.1 or higher.
How to delete the audio files in the recording card?If you use the Slimca APP to upload files, the audio files in the recording card will be automatically deleted when the files are successfully uploaded. If you insert the microSD card into a card reader on a computer and transfer it, perform the delete operation on the computer.
Do I need to enter a password every time I connect to the app?If you use the same Wi-Fi, you will need to enter the Wi-Fi password the first time you connect to transfer files and sync settings with Slimca, but after that you can directly click the "Data Transfer" button to transfer audio files to the application without entering a password.
Can I download the Slimca APP to my iPad?You can download the Slimca APP on iPad with iOS 14.1 or higher.
Will the Slimca app work on my desktop?Currently, the Slimca APP is only available for smartphones and iPads.
How to identify WI-FI 2.4GHz?How to check/identify the Wi-Fi frequency being used on a smartphone Check the name of the Wi-Fi you are connected to. You can select Wi-Fi devices, settings, and names (SSIDs). to determine the frequency band. The Wi-Fi frequency is determined by whether the name portion (SSID) contains the letter "A" or "G". For example: If you are using a Wi-Fi router manufactured by __OOO__, then The list of Wi-Fi connections displayed on the smartphone will have Almost the same name as "OOO-A-XXXX" and "OOO-G-XXXX", except XXXX. will show the connection destination. If you choose "OOO-G-XXXX" with "G" written on it, you can connect to 2.4GHz. As mentioned above, you can tell the Wi-Fi frequency from the Wi-Fi SSID. The same is true for routers produced by other companies. If there is a "G" at the end or in the middle of the SSID, it is assumed to be 2.4GHz. If there is no "G" or "A" displayed, you are most likely connected to 2.4Ghz, but if it does not work, The connection or frequency band is unknown and we cannot make a determination, so please do not use it and contact your Internet company to confirm.
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